How to Build Your Boards

How to Build Your Boards | Opennetworks

Cohesive teams need effective resources and is one of the best. By implementing and using an integrated system like, you are effectively creating a team space on a platform that understands the need for organized synchronicity. Team members are able to edit and work on elements of their projects and update the communication in real-time. As a leader, you are able to keep an eye on progress, involvement and, you guessed it, productivity. Those all-important records are kept for you too, so no need for extra work like creating files from other observations. 

By using, every single team member is kept up-to-date, every step of the way, so those important elements of communication, trust and feeling a sense of belonging are taken care of too. Elements such as priority, how difficult each team member is finding the task, how far along they are, and due dates are all clearly displayed. 

The dos and don’ts of building boards.

But, for your business to truly benefit from what has to offer, it is important that you make use of the functionalities in an optimal way. In this post, we share a list of easy dos and don’ts that will help you get the most out of your boards. 


  • Boards should be collaborative: one board per team.
  • Strive to have Main Boards to push for transparency.
  • Ensure the hierarchy of the board is clear. Users should easily be able to describe what type of “work” belongs in a board (projects/tasks/sub-tasks). Think about how you would explain your board to your team. 
  • Group boards by time – Especially for task boards, strive to group by week/bi-weekly/monthly, and not per Quarter, or clients or other categories.
  • Data entry to the board should be easy. In the first version of the board, be sure to keep the number of columns to a minimum, ideally fit them in one screen. 
  • Think about the people logging their work on and try to consolidate work to a small number of boards. Power users can see an overview using dashboards. 


  • Have personal boards for different individuals which will create silos. 
  • Create silos with Private/Shareable boards. 
  • Have boards where one item is a task and another is a high-level project. It may make sense for the person building the board but it will not make sense to the team using it. 
  • Group by person. This becomes redundant as the People column is great for showing accountability.
  • Use too many columns. This can make data entry a nightmare and cause people to reject the board. 
  • Create a situation where users need to move between multiple boards to log work. This will be increasingly harder to adopt. 

Here’s how we help you get the most out of your boards.

Not really sure where to begin with implementing the above suggestions? We are here to help! rely on their trusted partner network to assist customers with account customization and setup, team onboarding, building custom integrations, and onsite training. We help your organisation adopt the technology as quickly as possible, limiting downtime when transitioning from legacy platforms and helping you use to its full potential! 

Ready to enable your team’s best work? Schedule your call today!

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