How to Use Google Docs on Your Mobile Device

Did you know that 48.33% of internet users in 2019 were on their mobile device? That’s a pretty big number, so, with almost half the world using mobiles for work and play on the net, we bring you a nugget of wisdom… A few tips on how to use Google Docs on your mobile device. […]

Video Call Etiquette: Small Ways to Make a Big Impression Online

How many virtual meetings have you attended since March 2020?  10?  20? Countless?  For most people around the globe, the sudden dawn of digital meetings meant a fair amount of discomfort, having to clear a space with a professional-looking background and needing to quickly learn (and come up with) etiquette rules in this “new normal” […]

Vital Signs it’s Time for Your Business to Shift to Cloud Computing

Did you know that 93% of businesses are already using cloud technologies? We know that running a business means being, pretty much, a superhero. Well, once you have made the shift to the cloud, you will be guaranteed a trusty sidekick! How do you know if cloud computing is the right move forward for you? We […]

The Easy 3-step Guide to Cropping Images in Google Slides

he ability to crop images into a shape gives you the power to manipulate a picture to show your audience exactly what you want to feature. Having the option to, not only crop, but also zoom in and change the size of the image means that you are able to pull attention to details they […]

Instant Collaboration is the Lifeblood of Work in the New Normal

The new normal. We’ve heard the phrase. We’ve experienced the changes. We’ve felt the stress of it all. For so many businesses, the new normal means having to pivot the way we communicate. Projects that could have been discussed in person now have to be shuttled between colleagues, with every edit needing a new email, phone call or […]

3 Cloud Computing Myths Busted

We know. The mere concept of a cloud is whispy, un-touchable, just out of reach and a little stormy at times. But our understanding of the cloud taking the world by storm doesn’t need to be. Today, we are helping bring the cloud down to earth. Here are 3 myths about Cloud Computing, along with their no-nonsense, myth-busting truths, […]

Our Top 4 Reasons Your Business Should Shift to the Cloud

Now, more than ever before, the shift to remote work is not only appealing but necessary. What stopped businesses in the past from taking this route, was mainly the headache of pivoting how the business was actually run. A major concern was around questions of how to keep employees on track with meeting deadlines and […]

Why is Change Management necessary?

Google’s Google Workspace is the answer to many of the 21st century’s productivity, communication, LMS and IT management needs. Making the shift can be daunting which makes the implementation of proper change management during the process even more important. The deployment of new ICT services in any organisation can be filled with unknowns. These include […]

3 Reasons Santa uses Google Workspace

Well, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas; given the challenges we’ve experienced in 2020, have you ever wondered how Santa Claus will pull it off this year? Will he be allowed to fly across the world with travel restrictions in place? Will he be prohibited from touching the milk and cookies set out […]

Opennetworks brings Google Workspace to African businesses

African corporates embrace Google Workspace Opennetworks helps bring rebranded G Suite to businesses across the continent October, 30, 2020, Johannesburg – Google recently announced its G Suite rebrand, introducing Google Workspace to the SMB and enterprise market; providing a single online working environment that brings all the needs of the modern professional innovator and collaborator into […]